Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brooklyn sayings

I found some note paper that Brian and I have written down funny things that Brooklyn has said over the years. Made me smile...

5 years old: "Mom the Sun is going down under the earth, Does that mean it's going to wake up Nana and Grandma Callister?"

Brooklyn coughing.
Daddy asks: "Are you okay Brooklyn?"
Brooklyn: "I'm okay, my drink just went in my brain."

Brooklyn: "Mommy, Daddy, am I a little rascal?"
Mommy: "Yes you are..."
Brooklyn: "But I'm not one of the movie little rascals, right?!"

Brooklyn: "Mommy wears her pajamas under her clothes, don't you mom?!"

Driving home from Church Brooklyn was very quiet. Just before we get home, she says out of nowhere:
"I don't want to be 6, cause then your teeth fall out."
Followed by a hysteric cry. Can you guess what one of the boys in class was talking about?!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Never thought you'd say part 2

Daddy said: "Stop poking your eye with the fork, Gavin."

Mommy said: "We don't lick the water on the driveway, Gavin."

Brian was reading a book to Brooklyn the other night in a silly manner (Funny voices, etc.). Brooklyn said: "I don't have time to be silly."
I wonder if I've said that before? Makes me a little sad if I did.

Just one of "The talks"

Well, I had to have a small talk with Brooklyn last night. For the last couple days, she would "accidentally" brush against my breasts. I kept telling her to stop it. So, when she litterally grabbed them yesterday, I got a little upset and decided it was time to give her a little talk about our privates. I told her the basics, and ended by telling her, that if anyone touches her in any way, she needs to come and tell her mom. I used "mom" instead of "me." As I was walking out of her room, she says: "Does this mean you have to tell your mom what I did?"

Sweet little thing. She's growing up so fast.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things you never thought you would say to your kids

I know everyone has these moments, but we had two in the last couple days that have brought us to tears after we said them. We laughed so hard and want to write a book about things you would never expect to hear a parent say to a child. Hopefully you find them just as funny and weird as we did.

1- (To Gavin) "Eat the Apple, not the slinky."
This happened Easter morning.

2- (Also to Gavin) "Stop dancing around that poll."
This happened at Brooklyn's bus stop this morning. The weather is turning warm (finally) and so we walked to the bus stop and he was swinging around one of the street sign polls and we needed to leave cause the bus already left. I was walking away when I yelled that.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Buzz Lightyear

Well I just got word that they are making a Toy Story 3. Coming summer 2010. Can't come soon enough. I have a little Buzz Lightyear around here lately.

The other day Brian and I got mad at Gavin for something. He stopped, looked at us, and put both of his arms up aimed at each of us and lazer beamed us cause he was so mad. Brian said; "Don't you buzz us." We laughed so hard after that we couldn't breath and Gavin got a giggle too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I was right...

I was worried that when I started setting the timer for Gavin to go potty, he would get use to that "ding" and think he has to go to the bathroom everytime he hears a buzzer somewhere. So, I stopped using the timer after the first day, and started reminding myself every 45 minutes to set him on the potty.

Well, today, 1 week later, he is doing great. However, he was hiding under the kitchen table today about 10 minutes after he had already gone "pee-pee" and the dryer buzzer went off and Gavin says "Oops, it's time to go potty"

I was right, I new that sound would set a permanent fixture in his head about having to pee everytime he hears an alarm somewhere. I hope he grows out of it before he's dating a cute girl and hears the school bell ring, and tells her that he has to go "pee pee".

Monday, March 16, 2009

Potty update

We made it through 3 hours of church yesterday without an accident! YIPPIE. I am so proud of how good Gavin is doing potty training. In fact, today when we went to pick up Brooklyn from her bus stop, Chuck (the bus driver, and retired fireman) brought him a School Bus (a little bigger than a matchbox car), and said "he is proud of him going potty on the big boy potty." We love Chuck! I hope to get a picture of him soon and post it. Brooklyn is the last stop on his route, so he lets Gavin check out the bus most days. He thinks it's the best in the whole world. The worst part is trying to get him off the bus!